Thursday, April 21, 2011

Not quite ready for another puppy

My friend had the cutest Shih Tzu puppy and really wanted us to take him. I wasn't sure if I wanted another dog. She talked me into "trying him out". Autumn liked him for about 1 hour, then she was over him. He was potty trained and very cute and cuddly. By the end of the day I knew it wasn't meant to be. I am still not sure why but we gave him back. Autumn is still a spoiled only child. My friend's daughter approached Jarom at church and said "no one loves our little puppy". Jarom said he felt bad. The dog did find a great home 1 week later.


Kelli said...

awww that other dog is so cute! It makes me sad that Autumn didn't like him :(

Garrison Propaganda said...

playdate gone bad. oh well. at least you didnt gain another pup and find out too late autumn likes being the one and only.