Friday, May 30, 2008

Autumn just got back from the groomers. She loves her mom. She is cuddling with me.
I got her paws dyed pink again. I love the bow on her head.


Garrison Propaganda said...

thats hilarious! so bright! where do you take her, and how much does it cost? i love it! although i remember reading about a woman who dyed her dog all pink for breast caner awareness and had lots of animal lovers get really ticked with her. but, i dont think youll have that problem. :) love the update, keep them coming!!!

koley said...

your dog is too cute! i didn't even know they could do that!


Cali and Travis said...

Bonnie Su, I didn't know you had a blog! Fun!

Kelly and Jesse said...

Bonnie I am so jealous I want a dog! She is so cute!

Darryl and Cindy Cunningham said...

Bonnie I love the pup!! Glad you have a blog!